Summer property fire preparation travel permit

Want a travel permit for Summer property fire preparation?

With the summer fire season imminent, there is a need for owners of properties to prepare for the fire season

The Victorian Government is allowing us to issue travel exemptions for property owners to attend their property to undertake fire preparedness work. 

Please consider that you may be able to visit your property after the 5th of November anyway, as this is the indicative date under the Roadmap to re-opening for Regional and Metro areas to come together under the same rules.

For eligible properties, if you believe you need to prepare your property for the 2021 fire season ahead of this date: an owner of a property, or a nominated representative, will be allowed to travel to their property to undertake fire preparedness work. Otherwise current COVID-19 restrictions still apply.

  • Travel can be undertaken from 11 October 2021.
  • Travel is permitted for a maximum 72hrs for bushfire preparedness work only.
  • Maintenance works outside of the Bushfire Management Overlay are not considered critical.  

Apply for permit

Step 1.Step 1 - Check your eligibility

  • Eligible properties are located in the Bushfire Management Overlay (BMO).
  • All vacant land in the Bushfire Prone Area. 

Permission for travel is only granted for bushfire preparedness and not recreation.

Search the map to check if this zoning applies to your property. 

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Step 2.Step 2. Check our fire management contractors list

An alternative to travel, would be to use a local contractor for our Fire Management Contractors List

If you own property on the Peninsula travel to your second property for emergency preparedness should be a last resort. You are strongly encouraged to use local contractors and businesses to prepare your second property to avoid travelling.  

Step 3.Step 3. Apply for a permit

If you are unable to use contractors to prepare your property on your behalf, you can only travel to your Peninsula property if:

  • determined by council to require fire preparedness.
  • you have been issued a Fire Prevention Notice legally requiring you to undertake fire preparedness activities for that property, or
  • you have applied for and been granted a permit.

Apply now

Step 4.Step 4. Learn more about fire prevention on your property

  • If a property owner cannot undertake this work the preferred option is for them to engage a local service provider to undertake this work on their behalf. See our Fire Management Contractors List
  • If hiring a local contractor is not an option, a nominated representative/s is anyone who a property owner nominates to conduct fire preparedness activities on the property owner’s behalf.
  • When traveling any person must comply with the restrictions at the place of their primary residence (where they are traveling from).
  • Any person travelling to an additional property in metropolitan Melbourne or a restricted area must also comply with the restrictions in place.
  • In some cases this means they will not be able to visit local businesses to purchase supplies. They should travel with the tools and equipment they need.

For a maximum of 72 hours. This can be extended by 24 hours at the discretion of council where the owner is required to travel large distances to attend the property.

Your property number can be found on your Rates notice or through a search on Property and parcel search ( Enter your address, click search. Find 'Council Property Number'. 

You can sign-up for eRates and download a copy of your rates notice.


The Shire website has a rates notice replacement service. There is a fee of $20. Please allow time for notice to be sent to you and ensure your travel permit application is for dates that allow time to receive your notice.  

State Government has changed the criteria applicable. 

This year it is solely for bushfire preparedness works. 

The Bushfire Management Planning Overlay has been used to determine properties requiring initial works in preparation for the 2021/22 Fire Danger Period.

Last year the process was also open to those properties in a Flood Protection Overlay and the Bushfire Prone Area (80% of Peninsula), given the current risk environment, State Government has chosen to be more restrictive.