Register a Public Aquatic Facility

Public aquatic facilities are important for maintaining and promoting active lifestyles and providing health benefits. However, if aquatic facilities are not properly managed, the health of bathers may be put at risk through the transmission of disease-causing microorganisms.

To minimise this risk and maintain pool water quality, public aquatic facilities are regulated under State Government Public Health and Wellbeing Regulations. This now includes annual registration of Category 1 and Category 2 aquatic facilities with the local Council.

By registering your aquatic facility with Mornington Peninsula Shire, you will be able to get advice on how to meet water quality guidelines and help with developing your water quality risk management plan. This plan shows how you are managing public health risks and maintaining your pool water quality.

Register a Public Aquatic Facility

Complete the registration form

Complete and submit the online application form.

Apply Online

What happens next?

Once you have completed and lodged the form, an officer will contact you regarding the next steps in registering your aquatic facility. This may include a site inspection or a request for further information. Once approved, you will receive a Certificate of Registration for a period of 12 months.

The following types of public aquatic facilities that must comply with the Public Health and Wellbeing Regulations 2019 (the regulations) and the Water quality guidelines for public aquatic facilities – managing public health risks (the Water Quality Guidelines):

Category 1 aquatic facility

means a swimming pool, spa pool or interactive water feature that –

The functions of a multi-purpose service are the provision of any or a combination of the following – (a) public hospital services; (b) health services; (c) aged care services; (d) community care services; and further criteria as defined in the Health Services Act 1998. 

Category 2 aquatic facility

means a swimming pool or spa pool that is used by members of the public and located at the premises of the following –

  1. a residential apartment complex;
  2. a hotel, motel or hostel;