Gender Equality

Did you know that gender inequality is one of the key drivers of violence against women and their children?

The Shire has a long-standing commitment to working in partnership to address the gendered drivers of violence against women and their children in our community by supporting efforts in:

  • Challenging condoning of violence against women
  • Promoting women’s independence and decision-making
  • Challenging gender stereotypes and roles
  • Strengthening positive, equal and respectful relationships

The Shire has a Gender Equality Commitment aimed at improving gender equality and reducing violence against women and their children - within the Shire’s workforce, the community and through design and delivery of Shire’s services and programs. 

Violence against women is preventable if we all work together

Actions that will prevent violence against women:

  • Challenge condoning of violence against women
  • Promote women's independence and decision-making
  • Challenge gender stereotypes and roles
  • Strengthen positive, equal and respectful relationships
  • Promote and normalise gender equality in public and private life

Strategies, Plans & Policies