Facts about Family Violence

The Shire acknowledges that men's violence against women is not the only form of violence that exists. Violence can be experienced by anyone; women, men, children and members of the LGBTIQ+ community.  All forms of violence are unacceptable.

Different kinds of violence have different causes and effects. Violence prevention strategies need to be focused and targeted to have an impact. The Shire has developed a Gender Equality Strategy to promote gender equity and the prevention of violence against women, as ninety five percent of victims of family violence are women.

Violence against women and their children is recognised as a serious and widespread problem in Australia, with enormous individual and community impacts and social costs. 

This social issue can be prevented by shifting the way we think about and behave in relation to gender and violence. The Shire has a long-standing commitment to working in partnership to address the gendered drivers of family violence in our community by supporting efforts in:

  • Challenging condoning of violence against women
  • Promoting women’s independence and decision-making
  • Challenging gender stereotypes and roles
  • Strengthening positive, equal and respectful relationships

This approach aligns with national, state and regional approaches aimed at addressing at reducing these alarming statistics:

  • On average, at least one woman a week is killed by a partner or former partner in Australia.  
  • One in three Australian women has experienced physical violence, since the age of 15. 
  • One in five Australian women has experienced sexual violence.
  • One in four Australian women has experienced emotional abuse by a current or former partner.
  • Women are five times more likely than men to require medical attention or hospitalisation as a result of intimate partner violence, and five times more likely to report fearing for their lives.
  • Eight out of ten women aged 18 to 24 were harassed on the street in the past year.
  • There is growing evidence that women with disabilities are more likely to experience violence.
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women experience violence at higher rates than non-Indigenous women.

Source: www.ourwatch.org.au