Infectious disease control

1. Overview

For information regarding Coronavirus please refer to the Shire’s Coronavirus webpage here.

The Shire’s Environmental Health Team supports and assists the State Government Department of Health and Human Services to investigate cases and outbreaks of infectious diseases through inspections, sampling and questionnaires.

The Victorian Department of Health and Human Services coordinates the investigation of infectious disease cases and outbreaks throughout Victoria.

Further information on infectious diseases can be found on the Federal Health Department website.

For advice concerning particular infectious diseases, it is suggested that you access the Victorian Government Guidelines for the Control of Infectious Diseases “Blue Book” 

Public Swimming Pools

The Shire monitors public swimming pools and spa pools to ensure they are free from disease-causing organisms and bacteria and comply with the Public Health and Wellbeing Regulations 2009. Environmental health officers undertake chemical analysis of the water in all public swimming pools and spa pools to ensure they are maintained in accordance with water quality standards. They also investigate any complaints regarding water quality in public swimming pools and spas.

The Victorian Department of Health has developed guidelines on water quality for public pools, swimming pools and spas.

2. Private Water Tank Supplies for Residents

If you live in a rural or semi-rural area, it is likely that the water you drink is obtained from private water tanks or bores. This includes residential areas of Red Hill, Red Hill South and Arthurs Seat which have no access to mains water. This is also the case for any accommodation and food businesses in these areas. It is important that water supplies in these areas are maintained regularly and not contaminated.

Contaminated water can be responsible for major outbreaks of severe gastric illness such as gastroenteritis and infections caused by Cryptosporidium and Giardia organisms. These illnesses are particularly dangerous to the very young, the elderly and people with poor immune systems.

The Victorian Department of Health has developed guidelines to protect the quality of water in private water tanks.

3. Private Water Tank Supplies for Businesses

If you provide food or accommodation to the public and don’t have access to mains water, it is important that you make it known that you provide safe water to customers. This water must comply with Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

The Victorian Department of Health provides guidelines on non-potable water in food businesses which should be followed to protect the safety of water provided to your customers.

If you suspect that your water supply is contaminated, or would like to set up a sampling program, samples can be analysed at registered laboratories. A number of analysts can be found in the Yellow Pages under Public Analysts. If you are unsure contact the Shire’s Environmental Health Team.

4. Public Health & Wellbeing Act Premises (Hairdressing, Beauty Therapy, Skin Penetration)

The Shire’s Environmental Health Team registers and inspects all hairdressing, skin penetration, tattooing, beauty therapy, and ear piercing and electrolysis businesses within the Shire.

Unsafe or unhygienic practices within commercial businesses can affect the health of clients, the health of the operator and can aid in the spread of infectious disease. Procedures including the penetration of the skin, if not managed correctly, can be the means of transmitting organisms that cause disease like AIDS and Hepatitis B.

For more information on these premises types please visit our Public Health & Wellbeing Act page.