Ocean Beach Road Sorrento Built Form Review

The Ocean Beach Road Sorrento Built Form Review (May 2024) was adopted by Council on 28 May 2024. This replaces the previously adopted November 2021 version of the document.

The Review models and tests various development scenarios to justify the application of permanent mandatory building design controls to protect the highly valued character of Sorrento’s Ocean Beach Road commercial precinct (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Ocean Beach Road Commercial Precinct


Specifically, the Review:

  • analyses the Sorrento Activity Centre’s planning, physical and historical context, lists the overall opportunities and constraints that inform potential growth and future built form outcomes in the Activity Centre
  • provides 3D modelling which demonstrates potential future built form outcomes within the Activity Centre
  • tests various building heights, building setbacks and development scenarios as viewed from several key vantage points throughout the Activity Centre
  • analyses various components of the Activity Centre, including the Ocean Beach Road streetscape, heritage buildings, the Morce Avenue interface, the 3293-3295 Point Nepean Road site (former East sub precinct), side streets, and residential interfaces to commercial development

Based on the above, the Review recommends implementing a range of specific built form planning controls, as detailed below.

Key Recommendations

The key recommendations of the Review are as follows:

  • to update the extent of existing Design and Development Overlay – Schedule 28: Ocean Beach Road Commercial Precinct (DDO28) which currently applies to the precinct,
  • to refine the existing design objectives and mandatory requirements of DDO28,
  • to implement a two storey, 9 metre building height limit for new developing fronting Point Nepean Road (at 3293-3295 Point Nepean Road).
  • to implement a three-storey, 12 metre height limit for new development abutting Ocean Beach Road,
  • in addition to the above building height limit, new development must also not exceed two stories or 9 metres at the street frontage and any third storey must be set back at least 4 metres from the street frontage (this excludes heritage sites).
  • to implement a 12 metre building height limit for new development abutting Morce Avenue and side streets within the Activity Centre. 


Planning Scheme Amendment C286morn has been prepared by Council which seeks to implement the key recommendations of the Ocean Beach Road Sorrento Built Form Review by applying a revised and permanent Design and Development Overlay (DDO28) to the Ocean Beach Road commercial precinct.

Please note: Amendment C286morn will be re-exhibited for public comment over a 6-week period from late July to early September 2024. This is in response to updates that have been made to Amendment C286morn since it was previously exhibited in 2022.