Supporting you to support our volunteers

Published on 05 April 2022


Volunteers are the backbone of our community and we had more than 26,000 people on our Peninsula identifying as volunteers in the 2016 Census.
During the last couple of years our volunteers have kept our Peninsula ticking over by providing COVID-19 support at our three community support centres. Volunteers have also provided essential food service to our vulnerable community members through Meals on Wheels.
Volunteers are nearly always the recipients of any awards we present. From the recent Australia Day Local Awards to our Age-Friendly Awards, our highest honours in every category all have a commitment to our community through volunteering experience.
This is where our Mornington Peninsula Volunteering Network (MPVN) can help.
If you manage or coordinate volunteers in a Not-for-Profit organisation on our Peninsula, we want you to get in touch. We can support you to support your volunteers to achieve the very best. Membership is free and we can offer you:

  • peer support and mentoring to help you learn what it takes to manage volunteers
  • networking events to meet others in your field
  • information and resource sharing to keep up to date
  • training and professional development workshops
  • advocacy to support your cause.

So, if you or someone you know manages volunteers, stay in the know by signing up to our network. You can join for free by emailing: 
By signing up soon you’ll have time to reserve your seat at our free professional development training session on Monday 2 May for 'National Standards for Volunteer Involvement'.

For more information please visit:

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