Mount Martha landslip update

Published on 09 October 2020


Mornington Peninsula Shire is working in collaboration with the Department of Transport to secure the landslip site at the Esplanade, Mount Martha.
Both the Esplanade and service road between Ellerina Road and Bradford Road are closed for through traffic.
Geotechnical assessments of the slip area are underway to assess the cause and risk to road users of both the Esplanade and the associated service road. The same assessments will form the basis of plans for long-term rectification works which are estimated to take several months. 

Heavy rain over the last 48 hours caused further slippage, however all material was contained in a bund constructed by VicRoads and did not block the Esplanade. The slips exposed the Telstra lines running under the service road and Telstra was on site yesterday assessing requirements. No other services were exposed or impacted. 
While initial assessment found no concerns for the stability of the nearby houses, there is concern a further collapse will cut access and utility services. Our Municipal Building Surveyor determined it necessary to evacuate one home Wednesday afternoon. 
Recently slipped material was cleared and a platform for a long reach excavator was created yesterday to enable works to continue today (Friday 9 October).
It is anticipated the Esplanade will need to remain closed until Monday afternoon (12 October 2020) to allow completion of works and site clean-up, however this will become clearer as works progress. 
The service road remains closed.
The Shire will continue to inspect the site daily. 
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