Don't forget to have your say on our public memorial guidelines

Published on 07 February 2022

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Every now and then, community members wish to acknowledge the life of a deceased loved one with a memorial in a public open space. Many find comfort in having a place to visit and see a public memorial as a tribute to someone who meant a lot to them.
Memorial types can include a bench seat, tree planting, roadside memorials, war memorials and public art work.
We are updating our Public Memorials Policy and we’re inviting our community to have their say.
We would like your feedback on the following questions:

  • Should members of the community have the opportunity to place a memorial in a public open space?
  • What types of memorials should be considered? We’re proposing limiting memorials to bench seats, trees, public art work and war memorials 
  • Roadside memorials are temporary and allow grieving families and friends to place items that have meaning, such as flowers, crosses, momentos, provided they meet roadside policy requirements and do not cause a safety issue for traffic or pedestrians. Do you think roadside memorials should be limited to flowers and crosses or other religious symbols?

Have your say
Help shape our Public Memorials Policy. Community consultation continues until 22 February.
Hard copy survey forms are available at our customer service centres.


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