Don't forget to have your say: Music Plan 2025
Published on 25 October 2021
What’s the most memorable music experience you’ve had on the Peninsula? What would you like to see more of? Those are some of the questions we’re asking our community right now to help shape our brand new Music Plan 2025.
Do you think there are enough opportunities for live music on the Peninsula or do you want more? After COVID-19, what do you miss the most? If you are a musician, what can we do to help get your music out to the people? Whether you play, sing, produce or just enjoy music, we want to hear from you.
Back in 2020 we asked people in the music industry what they needed, what their fans wanted and what we can do better to support local music right here on the Peninsula. Their feedback helped form the draft Plan, which is now on public exhibition ready for community feedback.
The draft Plan includes a roadmap for future investment in the local music industry, including support for musicians and businesses, activities and cultural places and spaces.
So, we need to hear from you. Share your thoughts about the local music scene. What is missing? What is good? What can be better? Is anything hindering you from going to concerts, learning an instrument, joining a choir? Tell us! Only with your feedback can we create a music scene of your dreams!
Go to and have your voice heard. Consultation closes 1 November.