Crib Point Pool closed for summer

Published on 24 December 2021


Following a series of water leaks, Crib Point Pool will unfortunately be closed for the summer.

The facility featuring a 25m outdoor heated pool has been temporarily closed since November due to leaks in the pool shell and underground pipework. This has prevented water levels and water quality from being maintained to a satisfactory standard. Initial concerns are the pipework may have been damaged in the recent earthquake.

Last week a specialist leak detection company came and used sonic testing to detect the location and extent of the leaks. Until we receive the report and understand the full extent of the damage, it is difficult at this stage to quantify the next steps.

We apologise for any inconvenience.

Our other facilities operated in partnership with Belgravia Leisure at Pelican Park Aquatic Centre in Hastings and Yawa Aquatic Centre in Rosebud remain open.

Further updates will be available on the website, please visit:

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