Organisational Facts

Mornington Peninsula Shire is responsible for 72 services from family and children’s services, traffic regulation, open space, youth facilities, waste management and community building; to matters concerning business development, planning for appropriate development and ensuring accountability for Council’s budget. This broad range of community services and infrastructure for residents supports the wellbeing and prosperity of our community.

 Artboard-13x.png 1093 employees 
 Artboard-43x.png  72 diverse services to the community
 Artboard-33x.png  $235million annual budget
 Artboard-53x.png  1702km of roads
 Artboard-63x.png  101,000+ rateable properties
 Artboard-73x.png  $1,630 average rates for residential properties
 Artboard-83x.png  227 community buildings valued at $184million
 Artboard-93x.png  641 open space facilities